Quality of images. The cover art must not be any of the following: blurry, pixelated, mismatched, cut, misaligned, rotated, incorrect, stretched, mirrored or have any other quality issues. Also, the textual information given must be fairly readable, trying to avoid designs which might difficult its comprehension, like smaller size texts or similar concepts.

  • Quality of images. The cover art must not be any of the following: blurry, pixelated, mismatched, cut, misaligned, rotated, incorrect, stretched, mirrored or have any other quality issues. Also, the textual information given must be fairly readable, trying to avoid designs which might difficult its comprehension, like smaller size texts or similar concepts.
  • Accuracy. The information shown in the cover image should always match the information of the metadata as accurately as possible and without any class of abbreviation. Any information provided in the cover art must be justified in the metadata, but not strictly vice-versa. Please note that if the release is a single that belongs to an album, the name of the album cannot appear on the cover unless it is coherently justified on the metadata.
  • Dimensions and file format. The cover art of all releases must comply with the following requirements:
    1. Proportion: exactly squared.
    2. Minimum size: 3000 x 3000 px.
    3. Maximum size: 5000 x 5000 px.
    4. Accepted formats: JPG, TIFF or PNG.
    5. Mode: RGB (CMYK is not available).
    6. Maximum size of file: 36 MB.
  • White covers. Full-white covers are not allowed because channels tend to interpret it as an error.
  • Links and web pages. The cover art can not contain website addresses, websites that sell music, mentions to social media, logos of any stores or services related to entertainment, mentions to physical formats, video formats or any external reference of the digital release.
  • Telephone or email addresses. The cover art can not contain neither telephone numbers nor email addresses.
  • Credits and collaborations. The cover art can include credits or other artists’ names, who are not the primary artists of the release as long as they are justified in the metadata. But at the same time, it is not permitted to show arbitrarily in the cover art only one of these artists and not the others, whichever is their role (producers, featuring artists, composers, lyricists, etc.). If one of them appears, the rest of the artists with the same role must appear too. The name of the primary artist must appear on the cover so that the other roles can appear on it.
  • Tracklisting. The cover art can not contain the track listing.
  • Descriptions and biographies. The cover art must not include album descriptions or artists biographies.
  • Pricing. The cover art can not include references to the pricing, or any information with promotional purposes.
  • Digital, physical and video format. The cover art can not include references to it being a digital or physical product (such as “Online”, “CD”, “Compact Disc”, etc.). Mentions to the video or audio format like “Stereo”, “Mono” etc. are neither allowed. Because of the latter, it is necessary to avoid the inclusion of CDs, cassettes and vinyls on the cover. Also, the cover art must not contain references to contents that are missing in the album, such as “Includes DVD” or “Includes Lyrics”. Similar expressions like “All Rights Reserved”, “Registered Product”, “Under Copyright”, etc., can not be used. Not even other redundant or unnecessary information. The release reference number can appear in the cover, but not the UPC or any of the tracks’ ISRC codes.
  • Translations and use of special characters. The use of non-occidental or special characters as mere ornaments (like Arabic characters, Chinese characters or Greek letters) must be avoided unless they guard an explicit relation with the content. Also, side-by-side translations or transliterations of the content are not allowed. The information must be written following the same structure and alphabet as in the metadata.
  • Misleading information. The cover art must not be misleading. For example, prominently depicting or referencing an artist even though the artist does not perform on the album. Some of these cases might end-up requiring certain licenses or in extreme cases leading to applying our Anti-Fraud Policy.
  • Parental Advisory tag. If the cover art is explicit the Parental Advisory tag must be added to it and marked as explicit in the metadata at the album level. Note that in case the lyrics are the only actual explicit content in the release and the cover art does not depict anything particularly explicit, its use will not be mandatory. In case of using this logo, at least one of the tracks in the release must be marked as “explicit”.
  • Pornography and violent content. The cover art can not include contents that may be racist, pornographic, or glorify or trivialize violence. As previously mentioned in our “Explicit content” block, this content might require changes in order to be approved. Check the section for further details.
  • Offensive symbolism. The cover art must not contain any kind of symbolism that offends a specific group of people or ethnicities, such as Nazi symbolism, restricted by the Strafgesetzbuch section 86a. For more information take a look at the “Explicit content” block.
  • Logos, images and registered brands. All the logos (including the involved texts) must be justified in the metadata. The logos can be related to the artists, producers, labels or other information involved with the musical product. It may be necessary to report the corresponding documentation to maintain registered brands, private images or references to companies or institutions in order to demonstrate the user is allowed to use them.
    1. Designers, photographers and other mentions to the cover artists are not allowed.
    2. Registered brands and private or personal images (from people or companies) can not be included in the cover art. The only exceptions are when they are visually irrelevant (being part of the background), they accomplish a relevant role (i.e.: in a musical) or are justified in the metadata (for example, as the producer or the publisher).