The digital age has given us endless platforms to share our music, but standing out has never been harder. While established artists have the luxury of pitching to labels before releasing new tracks, emerging artists are often left navigating the maze of self-promotion, feeling ignored and frustrated.
That's where WallStream comes in—a platform built to revolutionize how music promotion is done.

The Old Ways: Challenges and Limitations
Self-promotion is no walk in the park. Many artists turn to payola or bots, sometimes unknowingly, only to find these tactics are a one-way ticket to harming their reputation. And if you mess with Spotify's algorithm, you're playing with fire. Get caught using bots, and you could see your music vanish from all platforms.

Pitching to playlist curators? We've all been there. You send a ton of emails, and most go unanswered. If you do hear back, it's usually a sales pitch for paid placement, which is a no-go according to Spotify's terms.

Submission websites are another route. You pay a fee, get a review, and cross your fingers that the curator adds your track to their playlist. But even if they do, it's often short-lived and buried deep in the playlist.

And then there are third-party companies promising guaranteed placements for a hefty fee. Some might actually pitch your track, but most just pocket a share and pay the curators. You end up on unrelated playlists, damaging your standing with Spotify's algorithm.

Not to mention, these methods often cost artists both time and money.

The WallStream Alternative
WallStream was born out of this very frustration. Our goal is simple: give artists a break from this exhausting chase and offer tools that were once exclusive to the big names. We're not just another platform; we're a game-changer. WallStream is a marketplace where artists, curators, influencers, and labels can find each other and close revenue share deals on tracks.
The result? Long-term, mutually beneficial relationships. Every artist that has closed a deal with us has not only been added to relevant channels and playlists but has also stayed there. Why? Because the match is perfect, and the curator shares in the revenue, giving them no reason to remove your track.

Why is distribution through WallStream mandatory for closing deals?
We get it; Switching your distribution service can feel like a big step, but it's simpler than you think. Honestly, we'd rather focus on innovative features for artists. But to ensure that revenue sharing and deal terms are upheld, we had to become a distribution service. Think of it this way—it doesn't matter where you buy your milk if it's the same milk. In fact, with WallStream, you get more than just milk for the same money; you get a range of additional benefits only available to our artists.

WallStream's Comprehensive Toolkit
WallStream is designed with a deep understanding of what artists truly need, right from the moment a track is ready to hit the market. Here are some of the unique tools we bring to the table:

  • Smart Link Pages: With pre-save functionality until your release date. Normally, this would cost you up to $50 a month elsewhere.
  • Extensive Insights: We collect data from all your social and streaming platforms and present it in an easy-to-understand format. This enables you to monitor your progress and make data-driven decisions. It's a premium feature you'd usually have to pay a lot for elsewhere, but it's included in our toolkit.
  • Real-Time Notifications: Stay in the loop. Know instantly when your track gets added to a playlist or featured in a TikTok, IG Reel, or YouTube video.
  • Exposure and Pitching: Your track is not only presented to thousands of potential partners but you also have the option to actively pitch to them, grabbing their attention and increasing your chances of forming meaningful collaborations.
  • Revenue Splitting: This isn't limited to deals made on WallStream. You can set up royalty splits with co-writers, producers, or anyone else involved.
  • Post-Deal Management: Communication is key. Our platform allows you to keep the lines of communication open with your partners, ensuring long-term success.
  • Crowdfunding Campaigns: Want to involve your fans in your journey? Sell royalties to them and the general public. And yes, we handle all the payments.
  • And Much More: We're continually innovating to offer you the best tools in the industry.

The landscape of music promotion is evolving, and WallStream is at the forefront of this change. We offer a comprehensive toolkit that addresses the unique challenges artists face in the digital age. From data-driven insights to revenue-sharing opportunities, WallStream is more than just a distribution service—it's a community where artists, curators, and fans come together to create lasting success. So why navigate the maze of self-promotion alone? Join WallStream today and revolutionize the way you share your music with the world.